Back in the early 1960’s a young Ms. Janet Somers, an Engineering graduate somehow got pestered into helping put up “those darn lights and run the switchboard”, for choral concerts and plays in the Petersfield Town Hall. Subsequently she “fused” together with another Engineering graduate, Mr. Simon Auty.
As their enjoyment of lighting and effects for the amateur dramatic arts spread far and wide – as far as The Minack Theatre in the West Country every summer for a while, – they needed to keep hold of the odd bits of radial mains cast-offs and splitters – i.e. 5A and 15A plugs, sockets, cables and adapters. Ask them to tell the story of “cooking” the asbestos cables between shows at The Minack.
Stumbling over a pot of gloss or enamel green paint one day, they both set about labeling their equipment with something practical… Naturally the initial of their now marital surname seemed the most obvious and of course recognisable by those who may find the occasional piece of kit skulking behind a pair of black tabs upstage after a get-out.
And there, in the cursory flick of a hog hair paint brush, over five decades of historic and creative arts was set, and, during the initial stages of the formation of this organisation, it was unanimously declared that it shall be named after the majoritative benefactors of plant and equipment, Simon and Janet Auty – So, welcome to, The Green “A” Team.

Our gift to the town

To celebrate OUR tenth anniversary in August 2002, the Town Council granted permission for us to mount a plaque under the Flora Twort sketch of the East End philanthropist GP, Dr. Harry Roberts’.
To further commemorate this, additionally we also added a specific spotlight known to those in the business as a Strand Lighting Pattern 23N to illuminate “Our Harry” as part of the venues house light circuits.
It is the Town Council’s Council Tax precept today that funds such capital expenditure, and it is the Users of the venue who are invited to make suggestions and requests for improvements, enhancements and alterations accordingly.
Alongside assisting those organisations and societies that ask for technical assistance, we also try to guide our elected members serving on the Town Council towards a better understanding of needs, necessities and expectations, regarding all facilities relevant to all aspects of the creative, performing and visual arts community at the Festival Hall.

We enjoy every moment of what we do!
Being in The Green ‘A’ Team isn’t all work and no play. It’s alot of learning, chatting, story telling and having a good time!
You get to experience things that you’d not normally find in community theatre, and also work with industry standard props, scenery, technology and equipment!
We’re not just ‘volunteers’ we’re a family. Friendships that span 40+ years have been forged via membership.
How often do you get to sit on a stage, in half of a VW Beetle!