Recent changes to the Explosives Act have tightened access to some pyros, and relaxed others.  Either way, you will be dealing with substances that are controlled to a degree, and must not be left unattended or in dangerous environments that could lead to an uncontrolled chain of explosion leading to a severe fire.  

The Association of British Theatre Technicians publishes, and the entertainments industry have adopted it as a model approach to the safe use of pyrotechnics  at all times.  By the process of Risk Assessment, you have to be able to demonstrate adherence to this or show that your deviation is better than or equal to such.  In other words, stick to the ABTT Code, and all should be well. 

From the minute of delivery or collection all the way through to the final detonation, the life of each pyrotechnic device must be accounted for and a stock list of evidence available upon request by persons representing the licensing authority or venue.  Failure to be able to demonstrate a competent knowledge of the stocks held and the quantities held, can lead to a court fine and a criminal record. 

There are restrictions in law as to the gross weight quantities of types of pyro class that can be kept in storage in one particular area.  It is essential that these weights are observed and limits enforced.  Over storage of weight limits is a criminal offence and any incident resulting from such could lead to catastrophic outcomes. 

Only order from approved distributors.  If you are going to be over limit, request for staggered deliveries within the production period.  Anyone offering to send individual items, through the Royal Mail are breaking the law and you could be held complicit in a crime if you permit such.  Only sealed cartons of the same product can now be purchased – usually by the dozen.  Although larger spectacular effects are still on a single unit quantity.

Do not order another manufacturers product for another manufacturers firing system.  They wont fit.  And even if they do fit, it will not be the correct fit which will lead to the entire fixture launching in its detonation causing untold damage to the surrounding areas and possibly personnel too. 

Fog Machines

It is no longer acceptable in official circles, to refer to a fog generator as a “Smoke Machine”  essentially insurers get nervous at the mention of “smoke”  – medically and physically.   So the term Fog is being slowly absorbed into theatre terminology.  We hold many different sizes and ages of Fog generators, some are also able to be remotely controlled via the lighting desk through DMX data control.  Others are small enough to secrete into scenery or props.  All of these units require a constant source of power to emit the fog – which is a vaporised water based fluid.  

The entertainments industry has paid for independent testing of the fluids after a campaign by Equity.  They concluded that there is no risk or adverse risk to the breathing structure of any human being continually subjected to such vapours.  There was no evidence to suggest that any such water based fluids were hazardous to health or could induce any form of breathing difficulty.  It is always the point of blame for coughing outbursts, but this is now known to be a psychosomatic response to the appearance of a cloud of “fog”.  Certain machines can only be loaded with certain fluids.   Cross contamination of fluids in machines can prove a very expensive mistake – think diesel in a petrol tank!


Additionally we can have access to the hire of a water based Unique Haze generator with DMX remote operation facility through our membership.  If you wish to be hazy, please ask the Committee to put  you in touch with the owner.

Bomb Tank

This generic term will now, in the younger generations, raise an eyebrow, or cause concern to those unfamiliar with technical theatre terms.  R

ather than its direct impression of use, a Bomb tank is used to safely detonate theatrical grade maroons without the fear of fallout or blast injury.  

However, this does not mean that a Bomb tank can therefore be brought closer to either the audience or the stage.  The same separation distances are required and must be adhered to because of the shock wave that is generated by the maroons detonation.

Consequently, a maroon must be suspended in the centre of the tank, and NEVER taped to the side.  The Tank must NOT be housed in a small room with doors closed.  Well, you can if you want, but the risk of pressure wave dame to windows in the vicinity is severe.

Anyone nearby must wear approved sound absorbing ear defenders/plugs.  Fingers in ears is only to be used as a last resort.  These units are extremely heavy and can only be safely delivered by two persons. 

Le Maitre 2-Way Pyroflash Firing station

Forming the keystone of any pyrotechnics system, the Le Maitre 2 way firing station is ample to provide firing to as many Pod stations as you can re-plug into the back of this system.  fitted with a 3 way Bulgin socket, as all Le Maitre PyroFlash kit is, this key operated unit is small, but powerful.  Price of hire EXCLUDES any consumable pyrotechnics. INCLUDES firing cables

Le Maitre 6-way Pyroflash Firing Station

Much the same as the 2-way , but with 6 firing points, and with switchable selectors

Le Maitre Firing Pod (Bulgin)

Heavy duty and reliable Le Maitre Pyroflash firing pods accommodate the majority of fixed angle pyrotechnics.  Pin distances are different between fixed and angled products to prevent misuse or dangerous practice.  These pods are suitable for horizontal static use only.

Safety Signs – mandatory and advisory

It is a requirement of the Theatre Licence that patrons to and participants of the production are advised, and warned about any use of any pyrotechnic device.  This is now regardless of its emissions or ineffectuality, as the Risk Assessment will have highlighted that advisory and warning signs should be displayed in prominent places.  The use of notices in programmes is not considered acceptable any longer, as not everyone buys or even reads one before curtain up, and therefore, in a court case, it could be proven that every reasonable means had NOT been taken to highlight the existence of the effect in the production.  

This link takes you to another part of this site, where all sorts of signs are available for printing or downloading, and using.  Check with the Pyrotechnics kit first, to see if any have already been left in the boxes.  Always ask if you are unsure.