Useful information for the Sound and AV department

This area concerns general use of AV materials and not just the equipment within the Festival Hall. It will of course focus predominantly on the kit we have in the warehouse, and then again kit that is commonly used on a regular basis. We will aim to include some historic anecdotes as well as points of reference, but, like all other pages here, it is your website too, and if you wish to contribute, then get in touch!

To start with, here are some publications relevant to sound and our equipment. If you want Manuals or diagrams for the Festival Hall, return to that area where you will find information there.


Our Radio mics can be managed remotely from a Computer or Tablet

XS Wireless Range E

Wireless Range E (821-832 MHz Ch64-Ch66 / 863-856 MHz Ch 70)

Infill Setup Guide

Schematic Wiring diagram for Stage In-Fill speakers and racks

FOH Infill Setup

Schematic Wiring diagram for Stage In-Fill speakers and racks

Infill Rack Diagram

Green Guide to Sennheiser Racks Setup

ew 300-500 G4

Quick Start Guide for the ew 300-500 G4 Range of Microphones

Rowridge Frequencies


Midhurst Frequencies